You miss the shots you don’t take
Aidan Patterson moves to Connecticut to be a part of the Avon Old Farms hockey team
Carving up the ice from California to Connecticut, junior Aidan Patterson moved to Avon, Connecticut at the beginning of the school year to attend Avon Old Farms and play hockey.
“I decided to move because I felt it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. It was one of those things I just had to kinda jump at,” Patterson said.
Although moving was difficult at first, Patterson managed to acclimate quickly.
“I think leaving my family and friends and having everyone living so far away is the hardest part, but I definitely think it’s worth the move. It’s been a really great experience,” Patterson said.
Patterson has been playing hockey for about 8 years and is hoping to continue throughout college.
“I’d like to play division one hockey or division three at whichever school will allow me the opportunity to play,” Patterson said. “Hockey is really exciting. It brings me a lot of joy and I love to play.”
This season, Patterson will be playing 25 games against other New England teams in the hopes of winning his school’s bracket.
“This is much higher level. Some students are already committed to a college with a hockey scholarship, so it’s a much more intense level of hockey,” Patterson said.
Avon Old Farms is a boarding school, meaning Patterson is staying in a dorm with other students.
“It’s a lot of fun because you see people in class, but then you have a sport with them or get to hang out with them all the time. It’s like a family feel because you’re always with them,” Patterson said.
Staying in a dorm has helped to further prepare him for college, according to Patterson.
“I think it allows you to get a feel for what it’s like in college so when you get to college, it’s not a huge jump. You can adjust rather quickly,” Patterson said.
As a result of attending a boarding school, Patterson has discovered that the common image of boarding school students is different from the reality.
“I feel like there’s a very stereotypical boarding school student that the west coast portrays, but it’s actually very different from the very rich, cocky, arrogant kids that are only invested in their own well being,” Patterson said.
He has also had to learn to be responsible for himself, according to Patterson.
“Life is different because I have to be much more mature,” Patterson said. “I have to rely on myself because I don’t have my family to help me with homework, or tell me to study, or things like that. You have to mature a little bit”

Hi I’m grace. My personality is mainly comprised of a busy schedule, buzzfeed quizzes, and Jeff Buckley.
Patterson Melonee • Oct 10, 2018 at 6:17 am
Awesome article Grace! Sorry didn’t make the paper but glad it is online! Thanks for your hard work