Bridi is beginning a new position as principal at Redondo Shores
Photo by Liam Adkins
After beginning as a substitute teacher in RBUSD, then becoming a teacher and assistant principal at Parras Middle School, and spending the past five years as an assistant principal at RUHS, Anthony Bridi is now beginning a new position as the principal of Redondo Shores.
“I’m honored and it’s a privilege just to continue to serve not only in the district but to continue supporting our family and our students in another realm but as principal,” Bridi said.
Bridi emphasizes the value of teamwork, a lesson he has learned at RUHS and will take it with him to Redondo Shores. He believes it is the cooperation between the students, their families, and the faculty that makes this school a great place to both learn and work.
“I’m very fortunate to be a part of Redondo Union but also to be part of the excellent culture that’s built here in this great city. I just feel like I’m part of a great team,” Bridi said. “And it’s not just about our school, but also our district. It’s everybody working together. Having that team approach, being supportive, and being part of the community brings me that great joy of accomplishment.”
He feels that this ability to be a team member comes from his experience in the various roles in the Redondo district.
“[As a substitute teacher] I got to see different school sites, meet different teachers and administrators, and develop my character to be understanding of how to assist students in multiple situations. I think that’s really the benefit I’ve had working in this district. It’s having that network and having that feeling of being a team member. And I think I’m a team member at all levels–with the parents, with the students, with the staff. It’s been a great ride all throughout my time here at Redondo,” Bridi said.
According to Bridi, the staff, students, and events he has been a part of have all contributed to his positive experience at RUHS. Looking back on his “incredible” experience at Redondo, he finds that it is difficult to describe “without getting goosebumps.”
“Working with Dr. Wesley, and her leadership, and Mr. Brandt, and Ms. Corcoran, and all the teachers and awesome students has been amazing,” Bridi said. “I see all the moments and experiences as I look down the hall of all these pictures like of all the athletic competitions and titles. I look at these pictures, and I see that I was there for a majority of the events in the seats just being a spectator, just knowing that this was something we supported as a team and helped build.”
He describes the last football game with Mira Costa, especially in the moment of the final touchdown, as a memory that particularly stands out.
“I looked at the fans and student crowd. There was Mr. Washington leading the flock, and talk about a goosebump moment. Everybody was in the moment, being a part of what we’ve created at this school, and it was just the epitome of excitement,” Bridi said.
Though the time commitment as assistant principal is demanding, Bridi has not felt it to be task but rather something he enjoys doing. He hopes that the students and staff have been able to recognize his “model of hard work.”
“I spend a lot of my hours at work, but it’s not work to me. I spend my hours doing something I really enjoy. Whether it’s a student, whether it’s a teacher, whether it’s another admin [member], I hope they remember my model of ‘work hard, play hard.’ Some people comment, ‘Bridi, I’ve seen you all over the place today. I’ve seen you at Redondo, but I’ve also seen you at the district office, and also saw you down the street by Starbucks! How do you do it?” That’s my legacy. Being everywhere but still getting the job done, and being a part of what we’ve created.”
As he leaves RUHS, Bridi encourages students to embrace the opportunities they are given at Redondo and “make it their own.” He hopes that with the opportunities they are given, students can “find [their] passion, find [their] purpose, be [a] conduit of change.”
“I’m going to miss you, the student. I’m going to miss every student that I’ve come into contact with–which I would say is every single one. I hope I’ve impacted them in in their decision making of what they want to do in their life such as an opportunity they want to pursue. I hope they’ve found that here at Redondo,” Bridi said.
Though he will be at a different site, Bridi will continue attending school events–continue being a part of the team at Redondo.
“I will continue doing great things for our students regardless of the site I am at at,” Bridi said. “I will always be there, and my door will always be open for our students.”

This is my third year on staff. I was a staff writer, focusing especially on feature stories, for the first two years and now am writing editor/senior editor. I plan to continue studying journalism along...