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The online student news site of Redondo Union High School

High Tide

The online student news site of Redondo Union High School

High Tide

The online student news site of Redondo Union High School

High Tide

the staff’s take on current or trending issues.

The dresscode must be adapted to fit modern standards

Molly Cochran, Writing Editor September 25, 2018

Historically, a dress code has been in place in schools worldwide to promote a healthy learning environment with minimal distraction. However, the dress code has shifted to target those who choose to dress...

American schools do not adequately address sexual health to youth

American schools do not adequately address sexual health to youth

Kate Ripley, Staff Writer May 29, 2018

Sex. How many of you feel uncomfortable from reading that word in the classroom? Well, it’s time to start talking about it. Simply put, ignoring teen sex doesn’t mean it is not happening; it just...

Time for a change

Ben Brill, Editor in Chief May 29, 2018

Students already have enough to cram in their schedules— from their visual art to foreign language classes to electives they will actually enjoy . A two-year Physical Education requirement only puts...

Teachers should be allowed modern politics in the classroom

Molly Cochran, Staff Writer May 29, 2018

Historically, public schools of America have been adamantly avoidant of aligning politically with one side. Because of this, some teachers across the U.S. have faced job termination or reassignment because...

Illustration by Sophie Fleming

Trump should consider allowing more refugees in the US

May 8, 2018

Surprise, Surprise — Syria is back at war again just days after the United States, the United Kingdom and France carried out missile strikes on a Syrian chemical weapons facility! This ineffective intimidation...

The Sadie Hawkins’ dance is outdated and should be changed

Samaya Rubio, Multilmedia Editor February 20, 2018

In a society that tries to promote equality of genders, what is the purpose of having a Sadie Hawkins Dance? I talked to my mom who actually used to go to Sadie Hawkins dances in her high school years,...

Women’s sports deserve to be more recognized

Martha Farah, Staff Writer February 20, 2018

Women’s sports have come a long way, but the media is still behind — leaving female athletes in the dark. There were 376 stories covering men’s sports and only 13 segments covering women’s...

Calling yourself “pro-life” is blatantly misleading

Kate Ripley, Staff Writer February 8, 2018

Nearly forty years following Roe v. Wade, the discussion on abortion continues to separate our country, politically and socially. The Supreme Court ruled that a woman’s right to abortion fell within...

Parents should cautiously teach their children about current events

Samaya Rubio, Multilmedia Editor February 8, 2018

When is it the right time to expose your kids to the current state of our world? This last weekend I went to the Women's March. It was really fun, but one thing stood out to me: the number of young...

Teachers are not here for your entertainment

Editorial February 8, 2018

The road to happiness does not need to be paved by teachers. They should simply be held accountable for carrying out their job: teaching. Having purpose and meaning contributes to overall happiness,...

Trump’s recent retweets and remarks spark controversy

Kate Ripley, Staff Writer December 14, 2017

“Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!” Wait, let me try that again: dark-haired Dutch boy (a natural-born citizen with no listed religious affiliation) beats up Dutch boy on crutches, truth....

People should take greater initiative to combat homelessness

Kate Ripley, Staff Writer November 17, 2017

Busy areas of Los Angeles, like Skid Row, are far from pleasant. With waste in the streets, cracked sidewalks, smog-thick air, and putrid smells, very few would wish to spend more time than needed among...

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