In hiring RUHS’s new principal Marvin Brown, the Redondo Beach Unified School District consulted the Education Council, students, parents and staff. Brown checked every box throughout the process. Not...
Kate Brucia, Online Features Editor
• September 19, 2024
Going on a trip to a foreign country with your biology teacher might seem like something straight out of Ms. Frizzle’s Magic School Bus, but that was the reality for a select group of students this summer,...
With a chilly plunge into the salty water, a 12-foot-long stock board, and a look of determination, Junior Finley Murphy slung her body over her board to commence Catalina's 47th annual Classic Paddleboard...
After a year with uniforms, dormitories, a bedtime and military expectations, Redondo’s relatively calmer schooling enviroment has been refreshing for sophomore Maria Gaggiano. Gaggiano spent her freshman...
Shuffling through endless racks of old, dusty clothing can seem daunting, but somewhere in the store is that one item that, with a little fixing, can become the most prized possession in somebody’s closet.
Though playing an instrument can be a long difficult journey, senior Nadia Hoang has kept her connection with the violin.
Hoang started her orchestra journey in fifth grade when she had to choose a...
Forensic psychology: it might bring to mind police tape, dimly lit crime scenes, dead bodies, fingerprint tests and Sherlock Holmes. But senior Adriana (Adi) Sowders knows the reality—handling casework...
Members of the Feminism Club are diverse, the club welcoming all groups and genders, including allies that are interested about learning about historical women. This goes beyond surface-level concepts...
Is he on fire, or is he putting them out? Senior Benjamin Gonzalez recently joined the Redondo Beach Fire Explorer program, a career pathway for young adults interested in firefighting. The program teaches...
Watching worried parents shake as their youngest child races up the court preparing for a layup, and the relief that crosses their face as the crowd starts to roar after the swish of the hoop, that is...
In over a century of sports victories at Redondo Union High School, no female wrestler has ever placed at a state tournament. Senior Kinsey Konrad became the first when she placed 8th at this year’s...
They helped the United States occupy land to expand west, they aided the U.S. in the American Civil War and they were the country’s national park rangers, yet today few people know their story. Who were...