Our Publication
The High Tide is the nationally acclaimed student newspaper of Redondo Union High School in Redondo Beach, California. Historically, the High Tide has been a bi-weekly print student newspaper. In the 2020-21 school year, staffers worked on the paper remotely, and we released print issues monthly. This year, the print issue of the High Tide will be released to the student body every three weeks.
The High Tide website began in early 2010; High Tide Online has received upwards of 128,000 page views since its inception. We also post frequently on our Instagram, @ruhshightide, which boasts over 2,700 followers.
High Tide as a print newspaper has been recognized nationally, consistently receiving Pacemaker and Crown awards from the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA), respectively. High Tide, in its print edition, reaches more than 3,000 students and faculty at Redondo Union High School.
High Tide dedicates itself to producing a high-quality publication that both informs and entertains the entire student body. The newspaper is a wholly student managed, designed and written newspaper overseen by advisor Kerri Eastham. We focus on school events, student life and bringing a local focus to national and world events.
High Tide is published by the journalism class at Redondo Union High School. Signed commentaries and editorial cartoons represent the opinions of the writer or cartoonist and in no way reflect the opinions of the High Tide staff.
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