After traveling across the globe, Junior Aniketh Arun prepared to take the stage for his first performance when the news of the death was announced.
“The day before the first show, one of the retired Indian prime ministers died so all venues got shut down for a while and we had to find a different one. We performed on big stages with 150-200 people per venue, there’s typically two other people performing with me, a drummer, and a violin player and we drove there. The quick change was such a shock,” Arun said. “He was the prime minister from 2004 to 2014, and even though he was retired, everything around got disrupted. Colleges and government industries got shut down, and it was horrible timing.”
Arun took his musical talent of the Indian Carnatic keyboard all the way to India during his winter break. His keyboard teacher planned to go to India with his family to perform and she thought it would be a great idea to go during winter break. This two week trip was packed with cultural appreciation, vibrant settings and the love for music that brought him there. He also had the opportunity to perform in various cities across India, sharing his talent with audiences throughout the country.
“Seeing the culture in all of these different cities was great, and from visiting so many places, I got to experience how the different locations reacted to hearing my music. My favorite city to visit was definitely Palakkad, the culture there had a different level of intensity and embrace that I just couldn’t feel in the other locations, it felt like I could fully experience the traditions and culture there,” Arun said.
The songs chosen to perform were tailored to each location specifically, as each city is very culturally diverse.
“In Bangalore, I played songs that were written in the languages spoken there and people were a lot more familiar with them,” Arun said.
In the various cities he visited, the audience’s admiration for the rich, cultural music gave Arun support as they took in the importance of the art.
“In certain places, like in India, a lot of people have appreciation for the music I’m playing so it really motivates me to keep going on my musical journey,” Arun said.
Aruns mother, Sangeetha Arun, has seen Arun’s growth through his music and the influence it brings to others.
“During his solo performance in 2023, we brought two moms along with us to watch him play,” Sangeetha Arun said. “After seeing his performance, they told me that their kids wanted to learn keyboard as well. It was really nice to hear that Aniketh was inspiring others.”
Seeing Arun’s music not only instill joy to others, but also motivate people to learn this unique instrument fills Sangeetha with ”immense pride.” While balancing stress and schoolwork, Arun finds playing music serves as an outlet away from the chaos.
“Whenever Aniketh feels like it, he comes and talks to us but his main coping strategy is music, it’s really good for him to destress,” Sangeetha Arun said. “Sometimes when he’s under a lot of pressure, he’ll come out to take a break and start practicing on his own.”
His passion for music during his travels reconnects him with his family. He went into the trip excited to share his music with loved ones and see their reactions to his hard work, while also enjoying quality time with them.
“When I see him perform, it’s a very proud moment for me, the way he has grown so much and has come this far makes me extremely happy. He performed in my husband and I’s hometown with both our families, it was something we wanted to do for a while so it made us very proud to see him perform so well,” Sangeetha Arun said.
Arun performing where his parents grew up was one of Sangeethas “favorite” moments in Arun’s musical experience.
“We always go back to me and my husband’s hometowns so that Aniketh can perform there because our grandparents can never make it all the way to California. When they saw him perform they were so unbelievably proud and it was so emotional for everybody,” Sangeetha Arun said.
The trip overall was an “amazing experience.” Arun’s keyboard teacher plans to take him again next year, and he hopes to perform in India again. Arun cherished the joy of playing music, working with other musicians and seeing the audience’s positive feedback. Through the entirety of the trip, for Arun, it was more than just performing, it was about creating memorable connections and happiness.
“[My favorite memories are] purely just playing music for people to enjoy and having fun with the other musicians,” Arun said. “The audience’s reaction was also great to see. Everyone was having a good time.”