Behind the base, but up to bat
Behind the scenes, team managers like Dorfman and Harris are an integral part to the success of athletic teams

Sports fans get to keep their eye on the stars on the court or field. Newspapers and other media rightfully focus on their efforts, victories and defeats. However, there are people behind the scenes that are closer to the action and have an impact on the success of a team and who very often go unrecognized—team managers. Softball team managers Hayley Dorfman and Lauren Harris, both juniors, are shining a light on this role during the team’s road to the Bay League Championship.
“I knew this was a good job for me because I played softball for so long and really understood the game. I was already a part of our high school softball community so the transition to team manager was really easy,” Harris said.
Harris manages both JV and Varsity. Some of her responsibilities include keeping track of how each player performs in each game and helping the team improve at practice by running workouts, such as throwing to batters in the batting cages.
“The other day I was managing the game and the players were giving me lots of positive comments. I was really grateful and appreciative that they view me that way,” Harris said.
Harris believes the most exciting moments are the close games where “everyone gets super loud and has great energy.”
“My favorite moment so far was the game we played against Culver City. We went into extra innings and we pulled out a win. Those moments are so exciting and I love seeing everyone smiling and getting hyped in the dugout. It feels really good to be a part of this group,” Harris said.
Dorfman has been team manager since her freshman year and says although team managing is a huge time commitment, she enjoys her time helping out at practices and keeping stats in games.
“Although I am not playing, I still have to be at all the games and practices. As managers we are cheering and playing close attention in games, and we participate in all the practices. There’s so much effort that is being put in,” Dorfman said.
Dorfman enjoys working with Harris, who she says is someone that shares similar experiences as her and is someone she can relate to.
“It’s nice to work with someone who is also a former player and fully understands what I am doing. Having her there is amazing because she’s a good friend of mine and there is always an extra helping hand for any task that I am doing,” Dorfman said.
Dorfman and Harris both plan to continue managing next season and are looking forward to the rest of the season as Varsity softball is currently undefeated in league with a record of 6-0.
“This year has been different, but fun. We are winning as a team despite the odd year we have had. Sticking together when it’s tough and winning in the process is the most rewarding. Everyone on the team contributes to these wins whether it be making plays on the field, or cheering in the dugout, and it’s really nice to see,” Dorfman said.

Heyyy! My name is Jess Alvear and this is my third year on staff and my first year as a sports editor! In my free time, you can catch me playing softball and watching The Bachelor. I am so excited to continue...