Curb your enthusiasm: Think before you spend too much this holiday season
People should be more aware of how they spend their money during the holidays
Now before you continue reading this, I want to make one point abundantly clear: There’s not much I hate more than telling somebody that what they love is stupid or of little value. If you like celebrating holidays extremely early, and it is because you are genuinely excited for the holiday season, then I’m not going to be the guy that tells you that you shouldn’t. If I hear people playing “All I Want for Christmas is You” before Thanksgiving has even happened, I won’t say a word and let them have their fun. It’s a free country. If you love it, do it. Something worthy of warning, however, are the people who attempt to manipulate that happiness.
You know exactly what I’m talking about, with the holiday ads already beginning to air on television today. Whether it be Hallmark guilt tripping you into buying much more than those roses and that nice date you planned for Valentine’s Day, or the winter holiday ads that give you the idea that its “just around the corner” putting you into a hysterical gift buying spree, companies will always do what they can to manipulate your excitement and turn it into profit. It’s their job, and it isn’t necessarily bad that they know how to market effectively, but remember to be cautious in those situations.
Of course, not giving gifts to celebrate the holidays is arguably worse than trying to make a “I will not let corporate America manipulate me” type of statement, but my point is that those in such a celebrative zeal often overspend—and even go further than the innocent holiday ads wanted you to go—just because they want to put themselves in the spirit of the holidays more. Of course, celebrate as early as you want. Just think before you pull out your wallet.

CEO of Opinions, Mock Trial President, Slytherin professor, Jedi Master, and meme connoisseur. If you like my content, please consider supporting my patreon, link is in the description.